Fix Signing for [AppName] requires a development team.

Published by @SoNiceInfo at 6/24/2020

Alerm window

Introducing how to fix Signing for [AppName] requires a development team.

Error Content

When you try to build an app on Xcode, Signing for [ AppName] requires a development team. may occur.
You probably face this alerm at first time you try to build an app.


This is an error that is caused by not being able to select the Team required to sign the app.
It could also come up when you build the source of an app on the Internet on your Mac.


Select Team at Signing & Capabilities

Select top left Project Name(iPod for here), Target's project name、Signing & Capabilities.
Select one of the teams in the selection menu in the middle.
After that, If we build it again, Signing for [AppName] requires a development team. will not appear.

    I released iOS App!

    ToDo App

    Visualize Activity, Data sharing with iCloud, Dark mode supported.


    IP Address bookmark.

    Check and bookamrk IP address of all interfaces with geolocation.
